本課程將會偏重輔導參與國貿證照 (國貿大會考)的考試準備技巧 (110-2 有認真上課和按照老師方法準備者;考及格通過證照不是難事)

Based on the flow chart of International Trade, this lecturing will give students a basic concept about the whole process starting from 'promotion/marketing', 'inquiry', 'contact with manufacturer', 'make the quotation', 'send sample for approval', 'confirm the order', 'arrange production', 'inspection', 'push payment', 'arrange the shipment',  'negotiation with the bank' to 'handle complaint/claim'.

In this section, every 5-8 students will be divided into groups to study and research the practical information to conduct more practical works. It will help students to equip with the global knowledge and practical skills in International trade operations.  





國貿實務課程亦申請聘請企業主管演講經費或是安排企業見習個案活動: 協助學生理解國貿業務流程和各外貿企業有關跨境電商(外貿虛實整合)等相關貿易手法 。  
1. 進出口貿易之型態
2. 進出口貿易準備過程及處理程序
3. 國貿條規及其他貿易條件
4. 基本交易條件及一般交易條件
5. 進出口價格之估算
6. 詢價,報價,還價與簽訂合約
7. 信用狀介紹與解析
8. 進出口簽證,檢驗與通關
9. 國際運輸與保險
10. 國際匯票及貨運單據
11. 出口押匯與進口結匯
12. 進出口貿易融資
13. 貿易索賠與仲裁