本課程的目標是提供修課同學瞭解並分析台灣當前重要的行政法議題。內容包括:行政法與憲法的關係、法治國原則(例如依法行政原則、權力分立原則、禁止法律溯及既往原則、行政透明原則)、行政法的類型、法律的位階、行政措施(例如行政處分和行政指導) 、行政程序以及行政訴願與訴訟等議題,使同學具備研究行政法的專業知識與分析能力。
This course aims to provide students better understanding on the issues of the Administrative Law in Taiwan. The contents include: the relation between Constitution and administrative law, the principles of "rule of law" (such as law-based administration, separation of powers, prohibition of retroactivity, transparency of state act), the types of administrative law, hierarchy of laws, administrative measure (such as administrative sanction and administrative guidance), administrative appeal & proceeding etc.