行銷資訊系統主要讓同學了解行銷學在組織及社會的關鍵角色,瞭解影響行銷決策的關鍵因素, 如何從市場導向的規劃 進行行銷規劃 建構行銷資訊系統 蒐集分析環境 了解消費者購買行為,分析產業與競爭對手,確立目標市場及定位,發展新產品 管理產品生命週期,訂定價格方案,選擇及管理行銷通路,設計溝通及促銷組合策略等行銷方案,奠定學生行銷概念,作為修習顧客關係管理及網路行銷等課程的重要參考。
行銷資訊系統將採兩段式進行,前段由老師講解該週主要進度,後段為TA帶領同學共同實習分組實作。課程採用Top-Boss(Business Operations Simulation System)BOSS企業經營模擬系統. 由經驗豐富積極主動的TA教學助理,輔導同學擔任模擬公司不同經理職務, 並在各營運階段下達決策及檢討績效。
The essence of marketing is to develop satisfying exchanges from which both customers and marketers benefit. The customers always expects to gain a benefit in the transaction, the marketer expects to gain something in return (the price charged for the product). To fulfill these expectations, the marketer must deliver superior value on promises made.
This course will introduce marketing concepts, marketing theory and marketing information system to reflect the latest development of marketing practices. To put students in touch with the best marketing practices being used in the digital age, this course uses a comprehensive framework that reflects the realities of marketing in order to help students know how to apply the marketing knowledge they have learned.
In addition, this course uses the Top-Boss-BOSS business simulation system. Course groups students as analog company manager position, and issued their respective decisions in various stages of operation, and use the analog system to review its decision-making performance.