This lab section will introduce the proximate analysis for nutrients and feedstuffs. This includes carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water. We also introduce the nutrient requirements and feed formulas of different animals.
This course presents and discusses the scientific principles and processes that underlines the sanitation of animal products, and provides students with the knowledge to understand, assess and modify these processes. The course will also be serving as a foundation for further studies in meat, poultry or dairy science.  Second, students will be learning current legislation managements for the sanitation of animal products as well as the features of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system that associated with processing of raw materials, production and distribution of animal foods.  

A. 授課內容: 以「動物產品安全管理系統」為課程核心價值與概念,以畜產加工產品為案例,進行一趟動物產品與社會之食安應用及教育推廣的歷程。
B. 課程目標:
C. 實施策略、方式及具體實施流程-本課程結合服務學習進行理論與實務的印證:
(五)反思與分享:參與服務學習務必透過反思,真實檢視服務學習過程轉變什麼觀點、挑戰什麼、學習到什麼、困難或挫折的克服 與調適、服務學習價值(探索、澄清、理解、行動、內化)之發展以及在學習、個人發展、公民能力等方面之成長心得。