1. 了解統計學的基本原理並應用統計思考於日常生活。
2. 閱讀簡單的量化實證研究報告。
3. 應用初等統計技術去分析並解釋量化資料。
4. 感受統計學家作為一個科學家的學習、成長、思考、人格、成就與環境。
5. 本科目主要著重邏輯思考、機率觀念、因果推理等獨立思考能力的養成,注重在生活中能應用、對生命有意義的概念,而不在於幫助你應付將來的就業考試或證照考試。
This course is designed to introduce basic statistical methods to undergraduate students. The course provides an overview of the field of statistics, including descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, measures of relative position), the normal curve, probability and binomial distribution, hypothesis testing, power, sampling distributions, T-test, Chi-square test, correlation, simple regression, ANOVA, multiple comparison.