Online marketing is a paradigm shift and a revolutionary new concept that combines the two main themes of "online" and "marketing," resulting in the essence of online marketing.

This course emphasizes not only the core competencies of individual species but also two principles of online marketing: "man cannot fight against the heavens" and "ecology is greater than species." In online marketing competition strategies, in addition to considering their own core competencies (species), it is also important to consider the external environment (ecology).

Man cannot fight against the heavens: The Internet is an invention of the information age, and its purpose is to transform the economy of industries from the industrial age into the information age.

Ecology is greater than species: The online ecology includes three dimensions: (1) people: one person, a group of people, and virtual communities; (2) networks: one network, a group of networks, and competition between virtual businesses; and (3) interaction between people and networks: relationships, pricing, profit, and natural growth.

Therefore, the teaching goal of this course is to focus on these three dimensions and learn how to survive in the highly competitive world of online marketing.